| - I am truly disappointed with Office Max. About 3 years ago, I went in to get some copies made and had a great experience- That was ONCE and 3 YEARS AGO. It has gotten progressively worse, I am actually mad at myself for not doing something different sooner.
I put out a print newsletter every month to about 110 people and EVERY month I stop in to get my printing done at THIS store because my company has contract pricing. I have just put up with the crap service because the pricing was good, but I can't bear to give any more of my money to this place, today was the straw of straws.
I go in and find the "Impress" counter completely unattended. I park it and wait, I see a few employees walk by in the distance and I can only say that they must train people on the whole no eye contact thing. Eventually, a guy walks in with his big drink he got on his break and asks me if I've been helped. "Not Yet" I say as he walks past, he takes the disk and pops it in. About a minute later, the grumpy guy that I try to avoid because he depresses me walks in (Seriously, I have only seen this guy when I am in this store and I feel like I know every damn ache and pain in the guy's life) and guy #1 hands me off. "How Many?" guy #2 asks. "110 in color" I respond (I'm all excited because this is my first newsletter in color). He looks at me like I am insane and says "They're 99 cents each!?!" as if I am gonna run off crying. "OK, and I need them folded also" I respond. By the way, this is all in the presence of guy #1 who handed me off.
The printer starts jamming and I watch as my stuff finishes and sits there. I am standing 5 feet from the counter watching guy #1 & guy #2 talking about something that did not seem anywhere near as important as they were making it out to be. I see guy #2 take a glance over at my copies, clock out and walk away. By now, guy #1 has happily discovered that there is an attractive lady that has wandered over to the counter and he is all over it. Again, I sit and listen to guy talking now to this lady in way greater detail than she is even interested in... and for me to notice body language like that it must be obvious.
Eventually, guy makes his way over to my stuff, hits the folding machine and goes to ring me up. He puts everything in and presents me with a total that is $1.99 each copy (plus folding) = about $225. "What happened to 99 cents each?" I ask. "Oh, that was um, per side" he responds. Come on, maybe that works with a foreign tourist or something, but seriously, come on! "Don't you think that would have been an important detail to mention before the printing?" I ask. Guy looks annoyed, looks down, hits some buttons like they owe him money and presents me with a new total at 99 cents each. I pay, I leave and I will NEVER go back.
I don't want people to freak out with joy when I walk in, but for gods sake, PLEASE recognize the fact that I have been coming in every month for 3 YEARS! Also, don't pull some stupid price change on me at the register! Finally, have at least a basic shred of customer service... SERVICE! I swear this place is like a huge Kinko's- everyone that works there truly believes that they are doing you a favor by giving you their time!
Anyhoo, I am done, and I would recommend finding some- no ANYplace else for printing.