The guy who works here named Nick is a total POS. We went in on Wednesday at 8:45pm and wanted to bowl. We weren't apart of the bowling league that was currently going on, but came with 3 people that want a lane. Nick instantly said "I know the lane is available but I'm not going to put you in a lane where you're gonna piss off my league members." Our response was well, we know the etiquette of bowling (I've been on a bowling league for 6 years and know how to properly play a game) and NICKS response was "I'm not gonna risk pissing people off next to you.
Well guess what, I'll NEVER come back. Cause they have douchebags that work at the front and from a BUSINESS perspective, they are turning away customers.
I will take the time to drive 20 minutes further to avoid discrimination. Just because I'm young doesn't mean I have little experience in bowling.
DONT. COME. HERE. Unless you are a "bowling pro" cause apparently that's the only way they respect you as a customer.