The Ventian's rooms are starting to get hella dirty from all of the conventioneers. Adelson's answer: The Palazzo. I've stayed in all of the nice hotels in Vegas, and had to check out the Palazzo. But, no dice on this one.
I like the Venetian. I find the Venice theme and canals charming. The Palazzo had no character or theme whatsoever. If anything the theme would be boring old people. It reminded me of the Borgata. But the Borgata doesn't need a theme. It's in AC-- it just needs to be nice. The Palazzo was perfectly nice. The staff was perfectly nice. There's just nothing here that would make me return to the hotel.
The casino floor was boring. All of the restaurants were empty (perhaps the crowds haven't made it here yet?). The rooms are identical to the Venetian's, except brand new. Totally forgettable, unmemorable, and blah.
If you're looking for Vegas at this price point, I'd still stick to the Venetian.