| - Fantastically French. We went here for our usual "one really nice dinner while we're here" and Bonaparte did not disappoint! We scarfed down the bread and butter and our cocktails like disgusting heathens and loved every second of it. Our wait staff was fantastic in both English and French, and having spent some time in France, Bonaparte is, so far, the closest resemblance to a great French Restaurant I've been to since. My only criticism for this restaurant, and this is a common trend, is that the beer selection could be vastly improved for a restaurant of this caliber. Now, as a French restaurant it's all about the wine, and my Graham's desert wine (my favorite) did not disappoint, but it would be nice to see more attention paid to the beer selection just to make sure the restaurant is firing on absolutely all cylinders.
If you're a vegetarian, please keep in mind that the menu is quite limited. I don't allow this fact to influence my reviews, as I don't try to impose my diet on others, but this is something to consider (maybe have a snack beforehand). I enjoyed the mushroom ravioli from the starters menu, and then really delved into the soufflé and crème brûlée. The soufflé was crazy.
Make a reservation.