My 85 year old grandpa is one of the greatest foodies i know... and it is from him that i get my love for food. I have heard this story of his about finding a little Italian place is Vienna a dozen times and every time the story gets better. I promise this all ties into my review.
I took my grandparents to Tia Rosa or Racho De Tia Rosa if you don't live in Mesa, last week, while they were in town on their way to Norway.
There were 9 of us so we dined in the large room and it was loud. However, they were true to their word and had us seated 5 min after we arrived and 30 min after i called in... this on a FRIDAY! If weather and party size permit i recommend sitting outside, less noise and more relaxing.
I had the chicken mole... the flavor was brilliant but it was a little too spicy, which is a bad combo because i couldn't spot eating and kept sweating and getting the hiccups. I recommend the fish tacos and don't waste your time on the salmon, go straight for two shrimp.
My Grandpa's review of Tia Rosa's: It was worth going just of the Mango Lemonade.