If you have eye issues, traumatic or small call Dr. Brimhall! If you ever need a professional opinion, consult, diagnosis, or treatment options contact Physician and Eye Surgeon Dr. Brimhall. Trust me on this.
I was at first intimidated by the Surgeon title thinking that surgery would be the only option he knows but let those fears rest because even had it been an option I would have walked away immediately. I talked to numerous eye doctors, both recommended by friends and my employers health insurance and actually was treated by two which I was disappointed in before settling with my current eye surgeon now. Seriously what better eye doctor to go to than an eye surgeon.
His office is located within Centennial Hills Hospital, for those of you including myself, this is a far drive but highly recommended.
To end this I'll talk about my last two visits. Dr. Brimhall went out of his way to see me. I don't know what else he does for a living but he drove from Nellis AFB on both weekends (offices are closed) to see me. He really cares and goes beyond the scope of his duties for his patients.
I hate when Doctors tell me if something bad happens to go to the ER, Dr. Brimhall goes out of his way to see you. If you'd like to read a short bio you can go here (http://brimhalleyecenter.com/team-view/brett-brimhall/). I would actually read the two filtered reviews as well.