The money that I'm going to have to spend to fix the damages to my house will not be made back for the money I save on the solar panels for a while. The first day that they came they had to rewire my outlet box and when they did the whole back part of my house didn't get electricity. They came back a second time that same day couldn't fix it so I had to wait until the next day for the electrician to come when she came they were here for hours the shelf of my closet got broken and at the end of the day they were able to get electricity to my bathroom and my master bedroom but not my second bedroom. I had A pack rat (they new that cuz i had traps up there incase i had more than one) when I first moved into my house a couple months before they came and they said that's what caused the electricity problem not the fact that they rewired my box wrong not the fact that they couldn't find where they put the wires to get to the electricity to the house so now I'm stuck with fixing everything and they never paid or fix the closet in my bedroom either. My electricity was fine before they came and they had problems getting my electricity back on in the whole back of my house I feel like they just got tired of working and just knocked my second bedroom off as it was my own problem to deal with.
I talk to somebody in charge in the Tucson are and he actually told me that they could not waste any more resources on trying to figure out my problem.