this place seems to be family owned and both ladies who have served me have both been very helpful and warm. the older woman always asks me to help her find my points card (its really a buy ten bags of pet food get one free card) because she cant quite read the small writing that well and one time when i came to pick up a free bag that we had earned, and i didnt have identification for my points card (it was under my wifes name) the younger lady helping me gave me the benefit of the doubt despite her concerns (someone had played her before and she was wary to have the situation repeat itself.). Well both situations are testament to their good-heartedness and lord knows that any pet owner would feel great about that. To have someone who is honourable and who also knows their merchandise is very comforting especially when it comes to the well-being, development and comfort of other living buddies in the household. (though i am still struggling to become buddies with my willy-nilly-oh-this-looks-like-a-good-spot pee and poop party cats sometimes.).
We have bought litter, wellness cat food, liver treats and a great odour remover there called nok-out. its very expensive, but it works. The other stuff is good quality and not out of the ordinary in price either; im glad ive found a local joint that has the selection and ease that i need.