After missing my connection heading home from a week long of traveling. The only thing my girlfriend and I wanted was...bomb sushi. Found this place on Yelp and we were highly impressed!!
A hip and modern sushi bar near downtown Montreal on a busy street filled with restaurants and shops. The interior was dimly lit and just set off a cool vibe. The music really brought me back. They were playing 90's hip hop like Bone Thugs and Harmony - loved the music. Such a throwback!
Our waitress spoke great English and was overly nice to use and helped explain anything we had questions on the menu.
My girlfriend and I love sushi rolls - and that's what this place had. Lots of delicious and unique sushi rolls! The names of the rolls were very unique. Most of the rolls were named after famous music artists.
We ordered an array of sushi rolls! Unfortunately, I was so exhausted from traveling I forgot all the rolls we ordered. It didn't matter tho, they were all fantastic!
If I'm ever in Montreal again, I will absolutely be back here for more sushi!