| - If only I could give zero stars. Every woman's nightmare--a mechanic who finds it necessary to pad the bill with ridiculous repairs and high costs, and then accuses you of badgering them if you have any questions! I brought my car in for an oil change and the check engine light was on. When the technician asked me if there was anything else, I brought up that my ac was working fine but sometimes it didn't keep up when it was extremely hot outside.
Fast-forward to 6 hours later when I get a call that I supposedly need a new compressor, a new condenser, a new valve, and new lines--all at a cost of $1975!!!! The o2 sensor the check engine light was on for was going to run me $525 alone...are they insane????
They must have taken me for a different kind of woman. I let them know I'd be coming to get my car in the morning and none of their suggested repairs were authorized.
So I pick up the car this morning and have to get a 15 minute speech from Scott, the manager of the store with three cans of red bull on his desk and a mouth full of BS to go along with it! After being talked down to, he offered to bring the price down to 1500 for the ac and 260 for the sensor part only--not installed. Again, no thank you!
And for the kicker--ac won't work at all now. The only thing that's changed with my car sometimes struggling vs bring completely broken was a trip to this shop. When I called to ask if they could have disconnected something in the diagnosis and not reconnected it, Scott started talking over me and saying he wouldn't be accused like that, told me to take my car somewhere else because it was broken, and disconnected the line.
Wow! I mean, I'm obviously not speechless, but the audacity of something thinking "here comes easy money" when a woman walks through their mechanic's door--do not use them. If only I'd read yelp first!