You've got stuff. Lots of it. You need to put it in things so you can buy more stuff. That's where The Container Store comes in. Lots of....wait I've underestimated...TONS of stuff to help you organize your life..or if you're like me, pretend you're going to start organizing your life.
Huge store (located in the old Borders, RIP) with aisles and aisles of all kinds of home stuff. A good substitute for Ikea if you're craving that type of shopping experience. I liked a lot of stuff, but I also thought to myself, do I really need this? numerous times.
I'd say you can definitely find some cool holiday gifts or stocking stuffers here and hey it's fun to just walk around and gawk at the hoards of containers, hangers, drapes, chairs, decorative things The Container Store thrives on.