| - this business is a sad representation of our neighborhood. I like to support local business so gave this nail shop several trys. upon each visit the owner was rude, she acts like she is better than her guests,looks down her nose at you like you cant afford her sun glasses or purses.
This was over looked a few times but the clencher was the last time i had a pedicure, the tech. pulled out a dirty dish sponge that was used and looked like it was used to clean the tubs. Actualy i have seen them clean the tubs with these kind of sponges. To my surprise the tech. started to use it on my feet, i was so disgusted i could hardly bare it. The owner came over and said they do it all the time, I said" I'm a cosmotologist and I know that sponges cannot be sanitized, " the owner argued and actualy screamed at me, and said"I cannot afford to purchace a seperate sponge for each guest, especially when a guest is only paying $30 for a pedicure.
Again I told her they are not sanitizable and I did not want it on my feet as I didnt know where it had been previously or whos feet it had been on. I told her I would call Sate Board and prove it to her, she then said,"go ahead what goes around comes around, " as she paced around the salon speaking to everyone in her native tongue obsenity;s about me. The feeling I experienced here was horrible, I will never return there again, but i am for sure telling everyone I know about the service and the sketchy procedures they do there.
Whats really sad is that she has some very good tech.'s that work there and she treats them very rudely as well.
This nail shop and all other nail shops need to be watched very carefully about the sanitation procedures they do, because they dont all do it correctly. Beware