| - If you like to be treated like a shoplifter by spectacularly rude arrogant employees, come here! I needed a bottle of courvoisier cognac for a French sauce I'm cooking tonight, and the particular kind of cognac I was looking for was behind a glass door. My friend who was with me very politely asks for the attention of one of the associates to see if he can help us out. The obnoxiously loud arrogant associate says "what do you want?!". No hello or nothing, no "how may I help you", nothing of the sort. My friend says "my friend needs a bottle of cognac behind the glass door". Immediately almost interrupting him he responds WHAT KIND. "He knows the kind he wants" my friend says slightly irritated with the associate's rude attitude at this point. He comes over, grabs the bottle and won't let us carry it. He asks "you done here?", I nod (somewhat in disbelief) and ask if he could tell us where to find calvados. He just points at the aisle next to it and walks away with the bottle of cognac. I get to the register and politely ask him why I wasn't allowed to carry this myself. The cashier says "yeah we don't want anyone shoplifting these". Mind you, we're talking a small $13 bottle. Well, thanks, I guess I look like a low class shoplifter (I'm actually an airline captain from Europe who can properly pronounce Courvoisier correctly). I will never set foot in this store again. Unless you like being treated like crap, maybe you should consider going elsewhere, too.