| - I have heard much a-do about this place in InStyle magazine, fashion sites, and by being nosey in others conversations about where to get the coolest stuff. Now since everyone was talking, I decided not to take an interest, just to be different (difficult). Until I entered the brand new shop in Las Vegas.
I was hooked.
This was my drug of choice during my time spent here. My hazy mirage of an oasis in the desert of Nevada. I guess as others have said, it's like H&M but higher prices. Considering they're both European born and bred names, I'm once again rather pleased with their sizing (since it runs somewhat smaller which works in my favor). I got confused wandering from section to section, and was happy to find a petite corner, which offered a few styles that actually fit to a T for myself.
I ended up buying some amazing harlot stockings* for on the town, but I better avoid those Hollywood street corners come late-night. Although these are fun tights, I could see why I could be confused for a wanna-be Julia Roberts. And I'm thinking my ending would not be in a swank Beverly Hills hotel.
The only reason why I don't give 5-stars is because the stores do not ship out their merchandise. I went on the website to order a top I regretted not buying, but they didn't have my size on-site (I knew they had several in-store). I called and spoke to a personal shopper (Clarissa?) who was very friendly and helpful, but since they were still rather new, she wanted to make sure she got the information right on policies, so she said she would call me back. I got a call back within 5 minutes and was speaking to someone named Bri (Bree?) who confirmed that they do NOT ship items out to customers; that the business is just not set up for that at this time. I was rather disappointed with that answer, however I was very pleased with the excellent customer service that TopShop has given me thus far. Even if it wasn't what I wanted to hear, it was nice to have it confirmed from someone so we're all on the same page. I appreciated that someone took the time to explain this to me. I also learned that I should impulse buy every now and then (but not ALL the time)!
I ordered some other cool stuff off of their website (which has different prices on some items online than in store, just a heads up and yes, I was on the United States site) and you currently get free shipping over $75. Just a heads up: the shipping WILL take about 2 weeks; it's all sent from England, which means you get charged a minimal cross-border fee (I had used my debit card, so not sure if this policy is in effect for use of a credit card).
Can't wait to welcome TopShop at The February!
*Just saw Selena Gomez wearing these in April's InStyle magazine. Great. Now I'm a wanna-be -underaged girl w/ inappropriate said harlot stockings.