Ok I must not be that unique (after reading other reviews). I am a like a 5 year old girl when I go to the dentist. A total crybaby from the minute I walk in the front door. But I had a procedure done earlier today that I have put off for probably 2 decades due to fear. I will admit that I have had to visit this place a couple times before to get familiar with the staff first. So glad I did. That is the ONLY reason I went forward with today's procedure. Dr Benson is by far an amazing person, not to mention a fantastic professional. Throughout my procedure she kept good conversation and made sure I was ok until it was done. Genuine care and concern for my mental status from the minute I walked in. Here it is about 5 hours later and I am actually looking forward to my return in 3 days to get the other portion of my procedure done. She and her staff have literally done the impossible by reducing my fear of dentist office visits. I'm not going to say that it's completely gone, bit certainly I have full confidence in going back. Thank you Dr Benson and team for taking care of your biggest crybaby client.