| - I can't say a whole lot stood out about this particular nail salon. They were pretty standard and didn't do much to set themselves apart. The one thing I appreciated is that they didn't talk crap about me right in my face by using another language. So, thanks for that ladies.
The color selection was a little weak but they had some decent options. No OPI? Surprising.
I sprung for the "deluxe" mani/pedi. My technician just ran through the steps so it was somewhat of a waste. Yes, I got the scrub, the wax, the hot stones but she was so disenchanted that it didn't even feel relaxing. She seemed more interested in running through the process. Now, can I blame her for not "enjoying" my sasquash feet? No. I can't. But, could she at least give me what I paid for? Yes. She could.
The manicure was just as subpar. They just didn't really "dig" into their work. Make sense? I still have cuticles that are all uneven, random strands of skin sticking out of my nails, they didn't file or buffer my nails, etc. Geez, now that I am thinking about it, should I give them 2 stars?
I think I just got the two sloppy technicians because other people seemed to be getting the royal treatment. I wouldn't go out of my way to return but they are a decent option if in the area I suppose.