| - I have never had a worse experience with a leasing office in my life. I knew that there was a good chance that I wouldn't be approved on my own and that I would need a co-signer on my lease, all of which I mentioned while touring the beautiful property. At no time did anyone mention that they did not accept co-signers. Since I was absolutely in love with the property, I decided to put in an application only to be bombarded with the fact that not only do you have to pay the non-refundable app and admin fee (understandable) but you also have to pay the $300 deposit for an apartment that you have yet to be approved for. WTF?! So I forked up almost $500 for an apartment that I may not be able to move into, because if I was denied I could always add my father as a co-signer and be on my merry way. WRONG. I never received an email or a phone call saying that I was accepted or denied until I reached out to them 3 days later and at that time they informed me that I was indeed denied and I in fact could not add a co-signer to my application because they don't accept that. Awesome, so I'm out $200 for the screening process and they haven't even mentioned refunding my deposit. So, I reach out again hoping to get some sort of time frame for my refund ($300 is not a drop in the bucket for me) they tell me that they process refunds within 14 business days. Not bad, I can wait 2 weeks for my refund, even though it literally took them 2 seconds to draft that money out of my checking account. 14 days come and go and I finally receive a letter from Holly Crest hoping it was a check. Nope it was just a statement saying that they owe me a refund of $300.. because I obviously didn't know that. Awesome, I just waited 2 weeks for an IOU. After reaching out AGAIN, I'm informed that it may take up to 30 DAYS to get my money. I feel that I was taken advantage of and given the run around in this entire experience. If anyone is considering moving to these luxury apartments, think twice. There are apartments in the area that are just as nice and actually have their ducks in a row; as for me I'm taking my money to Junction at Antiquity. They seem to have no problem working with people who have iffy credit, but an otherwise clean rental history