I have been a member of CCCU since 1997. I have enjoyed many services from CCCU and am a member in good standing. I would recommend everything the credit union has to offer except Real estate! Dec 2013, I utilized CCCU for my mortgage needs and it was nothing short of a comedy of errors. (The list is too long to write about here but the big item was they forgot to wire the closing payment and escrow didn't occur on the agreed upon date). Escrow did eventually close.
Fast forward to Sept 2015 when out of the blue I receive a letter from the IRS proposing that I change my 2013 return as they have no proof of the items I prepaid to obtain my mortgage with CCCU and suggest I just send them $445 including penalties and interest!@#$%
Well, of course I called the IRS and they informed me that CCCU NEVER reported my 2013 information!@#$% I do have the opportunity to dispute as long I can provide proof. So, I sent the IRS 11 pages which included the form 1098 sent to me from CCCU and the settlement statement from the close of escrow. After a couple of attempts (Because no one calls you back on the first attempt) I finally reach CCCU Real Estate Department and they tell me that based on my call(s) that they have discovered they didn't report mortgage information to the IRS for any of their members who obtained a mortgage in 2013. (I find this hard to believe) Currently, I am awaiting the outcome of my dispute. I know I will hear from the IRS as there is a deadline to dispute the items or pay up. I am not so sure about CCCU as I have heard absolutely nothing other than the initial apology as to when they are going report the corrected information to IRS. So, if you obtained a mortgage from Clark County Credit Union in 2013 and they haven't contacted you, don't worry the IRS will. But, don't just pay up!