Cinnaholic in Henderson Green Valley is officially open for business! Cute place, there's seating inside enough room to fit a bunch of screaming toddlers in strollers.
Got 2 custom rolls. One with Banana Cream icing, strawberries and Graham crackers. One is supposed to be Lemon Icing and Blueberry but it's bananas and walnuts.. stuff I'm allergic to.
Guess I got the wrong order or the guy taking my order was just hasty ... at least the customer before me got lucky. He left his wallet in the car so the cashier waved it off and he got his cinnaholic rolls for free.
I was able to tear a piece off and try it. They're okay...texture great, but lacking something...they make up for it on toppings I guess... what they have going for them it's Vegan.. so they'll appeal more to the Vegan community... but I'll stick to the local small business shop Mothership Coffee, they have awesome vegan pastries there... and Chef Flemming's and CRAFTkitchen for cinnamon rolls.