If I could give negative amount of starts, I would. I have rented from this company for the past 3 years. When I was looking for a new place to move into, the new management company sent over a rental verification. They refused to fill it out unless I put in my 30 day notice. I emailed them asking why. I said that I wouldn't be offered a lease until they released the information. That if I followed their rules, I had the possibility to become homeless. They responded very selfishly saying it was their policy and that I had great rental history so I shouldn't have a problem getting someone to rent to me.
Yes, I do have a problem, that problem is Marsh Management and their unwillingness to treat their tenants as actual human beings. They take advantage of you. They don't care about you. They NEVER do anything to help you out at all. Actually they will do everything in their power to nickle and dime you.
I have never been with such a terrible company for this long.
If you have the opportunity to rent elsewhere, please take this warning and do so. You do not want to be stuck in a contract with this company.
Please listen to me and the rest of the negative reviews.
to me,
Good Morning,
I received a rental verification from Rosenbaum Realty Group. I cannot complete this form unless we have a written notice that you are not renewing your lease and you are vacating. When I receive that information, I will gladly complete this form and return it to them. Let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Client Coordinator
Marsh Management & Real Estate
to clover
I have asked Rosenbaum to cancel the application process. I have decided against it.
However, I have a question. Why do you only fill out the rental verification IF I send a letter stating that I am moving out? What if I send that letter in in order for you to fill out the form, then I don't get the place? I would then be out of a place to live. I am just trying to understand where your company is coming from. I would definitely give you the 30 day written notice as promised and outlined on my lease. I just don't understand your uncooperative behavior and I am trying to understand.
Clover via
Sep 25 (1 day ago)
to me
It is a standard policy not to release tenant information unless they have given us notice. Based on your rental history with Marsh Management, you shouldn't have difficulties applying elsewhere. If you have any other questions or concerns regarding our policy, we would be more than happy to speak to you.
Thank you,
Marsh Management & Real Estate