1st experience with IV therapy, and what a beautiful experience it was!
Called today to get an appt (like for RIGHT NOW!!) after a wasted trip to the Dr's today (Have been sick for 2weeks now), and the Dr's did NOTHING for me. I was out of my mind DONE!
Got on our friendly Google and found IV Revival on the 1st site. So glad I called. Heather (I hope I'm remembering correctly? Our sweet New Yorker), and she squeezed me in today. Ashley showed up right on time, not that I would have cared that my Angel of liquids would have been late. And whaaalaaa. I'm now full of lot's of good stuff and hopefully wake up tomorrow feeling fabulous?
It certainly can't hurt. I opted for the $175 package, adding in Curcumin for an ex $25, and a $20 tip for Ashley. I know it's sounds pricey, but it's our health! A night of drinking and dinner .... cost more.
Check it out .... even if you start with a simple less expensive therapy ..... your gonna be hooked!
Looking forward to my next one