| - I will start off by saying the secretaries, or whatever they want to call themselves are nothing but rude and will only scare future clientele away. Secondly, I am a California resident, so representing my self in court/visiting CPK law office was out of my reach. Due to CPK Law's reviews, I decided to pay for their services to help my fight my speeding ticket. We contacted each other via email and telephone, in which they were very unreliable when it came to contacting me. I literally had to hound them to find out the status of my speeding ticket (since they never contacted me with the results like they said they would). Goodsprings Justice court, the county i received my ticket in was also very unreliable when it came to coming into contact with them, thus I trusted word of mouth by one of the female "lawyers" that works at this establishment. When I spoke with one of the secretaries, Amber I believe, she immediately told me my speeding ticket was lowered to parking ticket. I was relieved, however, after contacting Good Springs Justice Court, they told me that my ticket was still recorded as speeding, but the fine was reduced. Because of Amber's response, I decided to speak with one of the lawyers. I spoke with a female "lawyer" over the phone and informed her about my issue. She told me that she would contact the court and give me a call back. She called me back instantly, which I thought was odd considering I was never able to get a hold of the court, and told me that once I paid my citation, it would be reduced to a parking ticket and not recorded on my record. I asked if she had any documentation stating this, and she said "No, that is was a verbal agreement" I trusted CPK Law's word, I did NOT go to traffic school, and paid my citation. Guess what? I now have a point on my license because this ticket DID go on my record, and I did NOT do traffic school because I trusted them. This place is a SCAM!
And by the way, I am using my husbands account, I am not Danny T.
Thanks for reducing my speeding ticket, and thanks for the point on my license.