This location has a higher class of poor people shopping here. The bums mostly hang around outside by the trash can. But, inside, this place isn't nearly as bad as some of the other locations. To be fair, the cashiers tend to be on the friendly side at most of the stores, and here is no exception.
I like that this location has produce and is easy to access. Coming off Tropicana, this parking lot can be murder trying to go out against Fort Apache traffic. This location is a quick U-turn and a quick duck out.
For some reason, this store didn't seem to have as many available carts. I didn't see many in the parking lot. I wonder why that is?
Unlike the Rancho store- no-one is asking to "help" me unload my groceries into my car in exchange for some quick beer change.
Unlike the Lake Mead store- there less Escalade grocery-getters hauling a car load of screaming mutts around with them.
I'd say this one is a notch above, judging by the clientele. And it is clean and spacious.