Robek's is yummy. They've got me addicted to what ever they call their concoction with OJ, Strawberries, Blueberries, frozen yogurt, and I get soy protein and/or vitamins added.
They are a little higher priced than Jamba, but they taste way better.
Jamba's vitamin add-in always makes my smoothies taste like one of my high-school science teachers always smelled -- like alternating between sticking your nose in a freshly opened bottle of vitamins and and in an old lady's butt -- but Robek's doesn't taste like that; their's is good.
The staff always gives you a friendly hello, the second you walk through the door, the ultra-promptness of which makes it seem a bit fake at times. Service is pretty quick and efficient for a smoothie joint.
Never had the food, but they offer very limited assortment of prepacked sandwiches.
If you're cheap like me, watch for BOGO smoothie coupons in the newpaper circulars a few times a year.