First off let me say, I absolutely love best buy and I am a very frequent shopper but in my visit to this location I have lost my interest in ever stepping foot into this location again. This review is based on several different visits to the location but has the same overall point. I have never been so uncomfortable simply walking around a store to browse merchandise I was asked about 10 times no exaggeration within 15 mins if I was "finding everything ok?" Now I am one who appreciates acknowledgement and greetings and do not like to be ignored but there is such thing as over doing it not only did they do this but also had random secret shoppers who in my opinion need a new line of work because they were literally standing over my shoulder. I've never been charged with shoplifting and every time I've walked out of this store never been confronted or even accused you would think they would pay attention to the real thieves then to Harass returning customers