I guess I march to the beat of my own drummer because I for one really like Pink's Hot Dogs! I've gone here a couple of times and I can't go wrong ordering their Naked Dog (plain/no toppings) and onion rings. Slather on some ketchup and mustard on my hot dog and dip my beer battered onion rings into some ranch dressing and I'm good to go!
FYI there is a menu inside next to the cash register listing a few items that I suppose they only sell at their Vegas location. I believe that they are the Mel B, Kim Kardashian, and Holly Madison Dogs. (I might be forgetting one.) They have less going on than the hot dogs that are listed on the main menu, and had I known at the time about those hot dogs I might have given one of them a try. It would be a great idea to put them on the main menu so that everyone waiting in line can see. After you've spent minutes finally deciding on one hot dog you don't want to have to re-think your decision after seeing this menu and therefore then holding up the line!
P.S. I spy Carnita in one of the pictures of Pink's.