Decent food but horrible owner.
I ordered a Diet coke.
"We don't serve diet coke, the owner doesn't believe in it"
Doesn't believe it in?
Diet soda is not the fricking Easter Bunny
Diet soda is not the Lock Ness Monster.
Is is a GD soft drink!!
"Why not?" I ask.
"The owner hates fake sugar and refuses to support it" Says the server
" What about all this fake sugar on the table for our coffee? Every table has a bowl of sweetener on the table?!?!!" says me.
"Oh, that is for the coffee. He says it would upset too many people if we took it away. But you can go next door, and buy a diet there, then bring it over here if you like"
Sure I'll go over there, next door every time I want a refill
So this guy takes his stand with diet soda?
Does he have any clue what is in regular soda?!?! Hell, diet or anything else, it is all bad for you. But I want a diet and the owner won't serve it
Way to take a stance on such an important issue genius..
Never again will I support this restaurant..