| - I've been to a few films here over the past few years, and generally I enjoy this facility, but I have a few nit-picks . . .
1) Sign at front offers a military discount, but, this only applies to regular admission tickets in the evening, NOT, matinees. Also, there is no military discount on concessions. Thanks for supporting the troops, but make it a discount across the board without fine print . . . please?!?!
2) XD-Theater . . . sound quality was not that good. I had trouble hearing the actors lines when they were softly spoken, YET, EXPLOSIONS were loud and over-powering. Get the e.q. mix right please?
3) Seats in XD theater . . . nice comfy leather seats, with tray table, but these seats had no lumbar support, and my feet could not touch the ground while seated regularly, and even with my feet raised, my feet were uncomfortable, and/or were falling asleep. Poor design of seating in my opinion, or perhaps my body-type falls outside of the norm.
4) Seating charts . . . I got to pick my own seats at the time of ticket purchase, and when I asked for two seats with a space between them from the next customer, I was denied, because they said I needed to be right next to the person, instead of leaving one seat open in-between us. Yeah, in theory this is good if the show is a sellout, but the show I went to, had everybody all scrunched up next to each other, in all the middle seats, yet all seats on the periphery were empty, so I unfortunately had a noisy popcorn eating, plastic bag rustling, rude talking, person next to me, which made the movie even harder to hear with the low sound (as mentioned) above.
This theater gets only an A-O.K. rating from me (could be better) . . . Cheers!
P.S. I noticed this theater is applying for an alcohol license, so I can only assume beer and wine sales are coming.