I come to Erie Island a lot before work! They have a drive through which is nice and fast but I usually go inside because the people who work here are so nice! They service is excellent and they usually have enough people working to move quickly. I am a luxury coffee person since I can make brewed coffee at home and I love their selection of flavors that you can add. They have a variety of muffins, scones and homemade breakfast bars. If you like your scones harder like I do, try theirs! They also have breakfast, brunch and lunch style sandwiches; these take longer so make sure you are not in a hurry when you order one! Overall Erie Island is a great place to go if you want to support the local coffee guys (I always do!)
Added bonus: As most coffee shops do, they have a board with all of the events going on around town. It isn't ground breaking for them to have something like this, but I love their organization of it!