3 Friends and I went Saturday to the Improv. I was very unimpressed. We've gone to the Tempe Improv many times and had great service and loads of fun, but the Improv at Harrah's downright sucked.
First of all, we didn't even get a server to take our drink order until the end of the first act. We didn't get said drinks until after the headliner took the stage. It appeared they only had 2 servers working the entire room. Not good for a Saturday night.
The show itself...sucked. The opener was this older guy, David Gee. So unfunny it was downright sad. The 2nd guy was a little better, Rick D'Elia had a few good one liners and got some chuckles from us. Rondell Sheridan was very funny but he focused for quite a while on "Tammy" from West Texas who thinks that Texas is another country...and maybe it is, but damn...20 minutes worth of this? Really?
If I could have gotten our money back, I would have. It sucked. Very disappointed.