I contemplated giving Yogurt Builderz a 4/5, but I then thought, "What would it take for me to give a yogurt joint 5-stars?" I couldn't come up with any qualification that Builderz didn't have, so I'm giving it the entire kit & kaboodle. 5-stars for the Builderz.
So yeah, it's great. They have all the things that make Yogurt-specific destinations delicious: yogurt and toppings. As far as building, I don't see how they did very much...to my knowledge I "built" my entire yogurt treat...they didn't do much 'cept provide me with materials. But their materials were much more delicious than anything I could have concocted, so again - 5-stars are well earned.
Comparing Yogurt Builderz to Mojo is like comparing brown eggs to white eggs. They taste the same, who cares which is which? Dessert is Dessert. Enjoy it and don't bicker or complain. End of story.
Yogurt Builderz is delish. Eat and enjoy. Don't hesitate to stop by next time you're in the neighborhood.
I love you Yogurt Builderz, and I'll be back soon.