| - I enjoy being pampered, but for some reason the idea of a pedicure always creeped me out -- being perched high in a massage chair while someone sits at my feet sawing off the calluses and cleaning out the nail yuckies just seemed wrong. Who am I, the Queen of Sheba? So for years I attempted to service my own feet, and it often resulted in bleeding cuticles, crooked toenails, and polish that looked like it was applied by a six year old. So a few years ago, reluctantly, I decided that I needed to put my weirdness with pedicures aside and start enlisting the help of a nail professional.
Enter New York Nails. They were my very first pedicure, and though I've dabbled in other places over the years, I usually end up coming back here. This is not the Taj Mahal of nail salons -- it's small and a bit dated, but appears to be clean. I've never gotten any foot diseases or nail infections after coming here, so that's good enough for me! They are extremely doesn't matter what day you come or what time you come, it will be busy. They are very popular and seemingly too small for the amount of clientele that they have. That being said, I always do a walk in and not an appointment, and usually my wait is no more than 20-25 mins (sometimes less, but I've never waited more).
I don't have a "regular" that I see -- I've gotten my toes done by almost everyone who works there, and they are all decent. Some are a bit better than others, but not to the point where I feel the need to request someone in particular. They all take their time and do a thorough job. And you can't beat the price -- $22 for a regular pedi, $5 extra if you want a French or design. I've never gotten a manicure there, but you can add one to your pedi for only another $10 ($32 total).
And yes, like others have mentioned, this place definitely has a pungent chemical smell. It's not as bad in the summer when they can open the doors, but in the winter it's quite strong. I don't really mind because I'm only there for an hour or so, but I feel bad for the employees...I'm no doctor, but surely that can't be good to be breathing in all day?!