Can't give a ZERO so I have to give it a one.... THIS COMPANY IS THE MOST RUDE,UNPROFESSIONAL, LYING, DISRESPECTFUL, Company Ive ever have the no pleasure to deal with..I called in to figure out how to redeem my free trip (which I well deserved) for sitting in a two and a half hr lecture full of lie's... Well the rep asked me why I didn't want to buy into the package.. I then explained to him I got some negative reviews from family and friends so I won't be signing up. Do u know what he had the nerve to say to me ??? He said "Oh but you will take the free trip tho they didn't have anything negative to say about that? I was floored My face turn beet red and I felt as small as an ant on the ground or even smaller!!! I was so speechless all I could say is can I please speak to your supervisor and well what do u know I got the same attitude that I got from the the rep! This company needs to be shut down!!! and I didn't want to go into anything long and drawn out but I'll tell you why I changed my mind because the guy at the seminar had me sold but my BFF was at work and I wanted us two to go half on the package.... O I was gun hoe on getting it til ... I called her and that's when she told me the horrors of this SCAM she said they will get your money, book u and then when u get out of the country its a whole new ball game ...Her cousin has them. Her and a group went to Thailand and nearly got stranded out there because when they got to the hotel they had to pay almost 3000US ...It was told to them that everything was all inclusive and all they have to pay is 250 in taxes and fees which they all agreed but when they got there they said that they would have to pay 3000US or they cant stay there so everyone had to pool their money together to come up with this!! Which means no one had money to do anything and its only by the grace of GOD that they had enough. So that's why I changed my mind and would not recommend them or join