| - Situated a mere block from the Beachland ballroom--but not a whole lot else-- the MFPL provides the welcome feeling of being sequestered alone at the end of the known world with a cheap pilsner, a shot of rye, and endless gutter-beauty possibilities. It is the sort of place in which one might like to be marooned during a blizzard of the century. The presidential theme is a head-scratcher, invading the décor in a not quite meaningful way, and including no traces of library paraphernalia to speak of. Though the place seems, at first blush, to be your prototypical beer bar, they do make a damn fine Moscow Mule, as another reviewer so aptly noted. There is not what one might call ample traversing room as well, so make sure to work out your elbows before arriving. Overall, a grand dive at the edge of obscurity, the MFPL, despite the misleading (perhaps satirical?) presidential moniker, is an everyman's establishment. A fine place to go three rounds with one's liver on a Monday evening before a Beachland show.