My friends and I drunken-stumbled over to this place from the nearby Commonwealth, after two too many drinks (or 7, who knows?). We didn't know the kitchen was closing in five minutes, but were relieved when the server let us order anyway.
We paid them a pretty penny for our late night nosh, so, good on them for recognizing the Drunk Hunger when it's ready to fork over their charge cards.
Not many options for pescatarian little-me, but I made do with the delicious lime-crema infused street corn and some ridic truffle fries. My friends made me try bites of their other (insanely delicious) food, after picking out huge globules of bacon or pancetta. That being said, if I were to visit this place again at a reasonable hour I would see if they could make me their truffle mac sans meat. It would be worth the (probable) dirty looks from the kitchen just to try.
While our tab wasn't cheap, I felt the food was delicious enough to be decent value. I'd go again in a heart beat.
Old Strip is greater than New Strip.