Hello, you were smart enough to read the reviews on this place and I applaud you. I was a Team Leader at this Jack in the Box between September 2016 and April of 2017 so you can take my word for it when I tell you why you should not eat at this Jack in the Box.
Where do I start? A LOT of health code is being broken here.
The fryers here are not filtered every day (which is health code) in fact they are probably filtered once a week because there is one guy here that knows how to do it and hes very lazy.
The machine that makes your Shakes is cleaned maybe every 3 days (Health code is every day)
They DONT put ice under the cheese that is used on your Burgers and Tacos. (Health code once again.) In fact youll be happy to hear that none of the vegetable ingredients including the mayonnaise is refrigerated. its just sitting in a tub if you will. Seriously, the top of the mayo gets all crystalized and yellow around edges and they just use on your sandwhich anyways.
When you work in a kitchen youre supposed to change out all of your utensils and bins EVERY 4 HOURS. It gets changed maybe every 12 hours at this Jack.
BUT the best of all is that the temperature in the big refridgerator is ALWAYS 10 degrees too high. That means food poisoning.
among A LOT of other things I think you get the picture