| - I'm thoroughly impressed with this dry cleaner. Let me start off by saying that myself and my friends are complete degenerates and still drink 4 loko, despite being far past our college years (yes we went to college). So anyway, we all meet up for our weekend ritual of blacking out and losing ourselves to dance, and on this particular night we decided loko was the pregame drink of choice.
Do I regret the loko? No. Do I regret choosing to wear a white top that night? Absolutely. Upon waking up the following morning, I came to find out my top was completely covered in red loko. Seriously, it looked like somebody had tried to reenact the Carrie prom scene.
So fast forward several months, and I decide to finally take this top to get dry cleaned. (Yes, several months later, you read that right. The limit does not exist on my laziness). A stain has literally never been more set in, ever. I thought it was a lost cause, but much to my delight when I came to pick it up, it was as clean as the day I bought it. Incredible. Idk who owns this place but they for sure went to Hogwarts.