I decide to finally drop in for a quick ice cream fix. There are three young girls working but still a long line. As I'm standing in line one of the girls is just standing there playing in her hair. Not just a small pice but all her hair hanging from her ponytail. She's running her fingers through it, pulling it straight up and twirling it around. To my surprise she drops her hair and starts digging right into the ice cream! Never washed her hands.
After she is done at the register one of the other girls helps me and makes my ice cream. I ordered a gotta have more size of the cookie dought'nt you want some. The girl knew the name but not the contents. She was looking at the board behind me to see what goes in it. I had to ask for more cookie dough because she only put one tiny piece in all that ice cream.
When I get to the register on the other side I happen to notice the girl had on tiny spandex booty shorts on. I'm pretty sure all the guys don't mind but I think it's a bit inappropriate for a work place that serves families. I will never bring my children to this location. Spanks are not uniform shorts!