The Grand Canyon was great. The reason I couldn't give five stars because the following reason: the tour person said during the tour you guys need to rotate so everybody can have a chance to sit different seat. After the first stop, I changed the seat. The two people who are also on the same tour, one is BDO for CP in TN, they came back late. This person did not like her new seat in the back. She was bitching. She bitch to the tour person. On the third stop, the tour person said I just want to make sure everybody rotate. Well! The two people who came from TN got their seat back, and nobody rotate for the rest of the tour. The tour person never enforced the rotation. Of course, the two from TN are happy except me I got stuck in the back for the whole tour. I said she was favoring. So if you are taking the tour with this company make sure you show up early and get the seat you like.