This restaurant is located in this Asian Casino. My girlfriend highly recommended and took me there for our dinner. Their mini hotpot looked very delicious and had plenty of stuffs on the side to cook, along with their tasty raw meats. My girlfriend and I ordered this mini hotpot of water-boiled spicy fish. Let me tell you this, this pre-made hotpot was probably the best tasting Chinese food I've ever had in Vegas! It wasn't spicy, it was just having the spicy kick to it after eating it! The hotpot also contained plenty of stuffs - tofu, veggies and I especially love their glass noodles which fully soaked in the spicy oil seasoning of the fish soup. It was so bomb, very flavorful and filling! The hotpot was more than enough to share with 2 people, we each ordered one and it was way too much food that we couldn't be able to finish after stuffing our faces with this delicious hotpot! If you were happened to be in Vegas and nearby the casino location, please go check it out and order this water-boiled spicy fish hotpot (not exactly sure the name), but do ask the server they know! This was one of the best Chinese foods (even my girlfriend who lives locally) goes there often to eat :) Local Favorite!!!