I went to this school for two LONG years and just graduated. The only reason I gave it two stars is because the program is a great idea & it gives you SOME freedom compared to traditional high school. Besides the fact they constantly lost paperwork & blamed it on me for not having it, making me call off my full time manager position to come redo paperwork they lost, threatening to not let me graduate 2 days before graduation (unless I wrote a 5 page paper on my lack of responsibility, for not having a sheet of paper with me on time), countless emails that they didn't respond to, and many other things-the school was great (sarcasm intended). I was able to have SOME flexibility to my schedule thanks to the college classes and was able to save up money for the years to come. Which I am grateful for, but college was easier than dealing with this headache school. The "support" from this school is a joke , although you did have access to tutoring which is a plus, they constantly made me feel like I was an idiot & that I didn't belong in the school. I had over 7 friends drop the program because of how the school treated them in 1 year. At the end of my second year, when I thought all was said & done, they lost the $300 receipt proving I paid for a class and they tried to make me pay it again after graduation! Their hustle scheme didnt work because I had my copy of the receipt but really? How do you lose something that important with less than 200 kids at the school? If your going to go to this school PHOTOCOPY EVERYTHING you receive or turn into them. It will save you so much hassle.
-Taylor R