| - The son was simply giddy over this place. He had hit up Hank's twice when in Vegas. And knowing my prolific Yelp prowess, he felt empowered to drag me down there to show me he can be a good Yelper, too.
The burning question: Does this Mom (me) with fingers permanently attached to the keyboard from obsessing over 1400+ reviews, think as highly of this place as does her occasional user son (with a mere 1 review, and it's not even for this place)? Not a proud moment for him, but I have to say at least he is using Yelp to find places and check in.
So in we went.
The thing is, it was Tuesday lunch time and it was empty. And, as described by others, the not-so-enticing smell of the hookah place next door, which btw was not even open until evening hours, permeated the small dining area.
It was disconcerting when we got the feigned shock, then conjured evil eye from the lady/owner behind the counter when we dared to ask if there was any way we could keep the door open. Obviously not, as she in no uncertain terms glared and replied it would violate code. Ok, just asking....bad first impression. At least the guy/owner was a more friendly sort, and he was the person who took our order and check on us.
So the sandwiches arrived. We had all gotten Philly cheese steaks. And to my surprise, their proudly proclaimed "Authentic Kraft Cheese Whiz" and melted "White American Cheese" on top were just fine. I had anticipated (being the cheese snob I admittedly am) that I would dislike this processed cheese. But it was fine. And the thinly sliced, not chopped, rib eye steak and grilled onion made a delicious, moist sandwich.
So maybe the son has his mother's good taste after all. Cluck, cluck, cluck.
Would I return? Possibly. It was good food, what we had.
Would I sit down and eat there? No.
Can I overlook the incredulous, unfriendly Philly (?) attitude? Eh, I just let 'er slide.