I will never come back here. The animals and the zoo itself I can give 5 stars but my experience with the property and the way the employees handled something serious turned me away. My car was broken into after three fun hours we got to the car and my window was busted out literally exploded I was parked near the entrance. I was livid there is no security cameras I find it very hard to believe out of the all the people around and staff nobody heard my window explode glass was all over my toddlers carseats nothing irreplaceable or value was taken but I advise you DO not leave anything in your car. I called the police and also notified the zoo staff they handed a piece of paper to us with my license plate and vehicle description that someone concerned gave them and let them know a cars window was clearly busted out and none of the staff called the cops or looked into it? Then they had the nerve to say "It happens alot here" well with the money they are making they can't afford to take care of their customers enough to have cameras or someone watching the parking lot at times?