Yeah this place is pretty much awesom-o. For one thing, it's now the closest library to my house. Yay! For another, it's the newest location in the Clark County Library District and it's absolutely beautiful. How could you not love an extremely forward thinking building such as this? If you visit, you have to check out the information kiosks that explain how the building was designed to be as efficient and environmentally friendly as possible. It shows that you can have tons of natural light and wide open spaces, but still be energy efficient.
The only downside is that it might take me a few visits to get used to the layout. But that's a good problem to have. Oh and the parking lot seems to be strangely designed with a seating area that probably won't ever get used and an over-engineered book return drive-through lane. It's all good. I always return my books inside so that I get a receipt. (I learned my lesson years ago with a DVD that was supposedly never returned).