| - This location ALWAYS has 20-30 people in line; 2 worker bees (grumpy and armed with stingers at the counter) and 4 people "working the floor" which means stocking the Priority Mail boxes one by one (why grab 2 at a time when you are getting paid by t the hour and the mions can wait). This place should take a lesson from the DMV office on Decatur - get CHAIRS, a sign in system and install a SNACK BAR because IF Lord forbid you MUST use the counter - you are going to need nutrition, a strong back to hold the packages or a place to sit with them and a few Xanax or Valium wouldn't help. This location exemplifies the term "Going Postal" and if it doesn't rattle your nerves and get you upset, then you have had an illness and need to see a physician to find out what is wrong-because NO normal person should EVER be able to tolerate such inefficiencies, rudeness, constant calamity, the feeling of superior being of the employees holding the people supporting their paychecks and pensions hostage at a snails pace. When I heard mail 5 days a week I was THRILLED - then it went to 7 and I figured the same qty of mail over 7 days would "lighten" up the daily load on them and things would move faster - WRONG! They are EVEN slower, if at all possible. Now the lobby is redesigning the ONLY perfectly functioning area of the place, the SELF SERVE place. I sell on Ebay and thank goodness I put in for mail pick up from the house (and even then, more than 30% of the time they do NOT pick up the outgoing mail from my box - despite a HUGE obnoxious sign I've now attached to my box stating OUTGOING MAIL" as when I talked to my carrier he stated "I thought that was leftover mail from the day before - eh - perhaps you want to put them out 2 inches and CHECK before making that presumption-is that too hazardous for you?" Ebay GRADES you on delivery time - so I at times have driven 10 miles to go to another location in order to make sure my packages get OUT and IN TIME, not ignored and do not have to stand in line for 2-3 hrs because the Self Serve line is SO line, broken, under remodeling AGAIN, etc - But get some chairs, Snack Shop, TV so people can watch the News or amuse themselves - no one should have to go through such torture to support our government office who cannot make a profit for 100 years? They were SO broke, they were going to 5 days/week then our government signed a contract in Vegas with AMAZON and now have 7 days/week service - shouldn't the taxpayers have voted on that - since WE pay? Since when does the "United States Postal Service" have individual business rights - they collect FEDERAL GOVT benefits and can sign contracts with big companies w/Prime Shipping memberships - but even then, the service is haphazard. 7 days week -yet my mail was NOT picked up today nor none dropped off today (Sunday) - so you only have Amazon packages delivered on Sunday? Where are the terms of this 7 day/week scandal system so the residents can learn the hidden system put into place behind our backs?