| - Here is my story on Five guys. Fries bathed in a peanut oil bubble bath will always make me happy. It reminds me of sunshine and puppies and all things that are pure and good in life. Five guys uses peanut oil and I am all for that.
I took the advice of a reviewer and got a little guy (with cheese and bacon) and It was more than plenty with the fries and drink.
Peanuts while you wait. I was a bit amused by the text on the side of the box warning not to remove from the shop (on account of peanut allergies) Legal posturing for liability purposes always gets me...but good form.
I like that all the toppings you want are included at no additional charge. LIke mushrooms and grilled onions and about a dozen other options. That in a way justifies the higher prices, because while yeah there is the lamo who just wants ketchup, most will take advatage of that shiz and pile it high...yeah, like I did.
The coke fountain was seriously out of Star Trek The Next Generation. I watched it... don't judge--if you got the reference you did too. I'm pretty sure Picard got his Earl Grey out of the same stinkin machine.
Touch Screen. I push Coke. A dozen new icons come up. Would I like, Cherry Coke, Lime Coke, Lemon Coke, Orange Coke, Vanilla Coke? Just Coke thanks, I add my citrus the old fashioned way...from a piece of citrus.
Bag was greasy, so I know I am going to like it. Yeah I did. Go. You will feel a bit guilty, so eat a salad for dinner and run an extra mile. But do it.