This store needs major work, not in its appearance but in its service. The store itself is very clean and always kept new looking. The ATM lets you take out bills in demoninations of $1 bills which is convenient, but the ATM is ALWAYS, and i mean ALWAYS broken/out of order. Out of the last 10 times in here the ATM worked once.
The staff seems either disinterested in helping you in anyway, or have no clue even how to help you. You will hear a lot of "i don't knows"...well i don't know either that's why i asked. Managers are no better, they have the "I am a Manager and i must be right" approach
The store, while clean will have alot of items out of place and or on the floor (ironic isn't it).
Check outs are a nightmare! They simply never have enough cashiers and the best thing they did was add more self check outs, but 4 of the 8 self checkouts are broken! Its a stressful headache.....good luck