My first yelp review, only because I was treated so poorly by Dr. Racette. I went into for a common freezing treatment of planters warts. He spritzed them with the freezer for about one second, and insisted that I come back for 2 more treatments. In the past, Doctors have applied sufficient freezer to allow the warts to blister and sent home medicine. This never happened after all 3 treatments. He was very stingy, rushed, and had no time to spend with me. I felt like he was annoyed and defensive when I had questions and reservations.
Success of the procedure aside, I felt as though he talked down to me because of my age (22) and had a haughty tone with me the entire 5 minutes I had with him. He's not personable, humble, or interested in helping. Just in collecting money and getting done with your appointment so he can move on with his much more important life. He is hasty, arrogant, and I have never been treated as such by a medical professional. Lots of better dermatologists in Arizona!