On the drive up menu the Texas Double Whopper, sandwich only is $6.99. When I gave my order I was told the total is $8.39 (the cents could be off a little). That's a lot of tax I told him and stated the price in the menu. His explanation was the price went up to compensate for increased minimum wages. Fine. Just don't advertise one price and charge much more! This was in January, 2018. Again in March or so I went there again and the drive up menu STILL showed $6.99. This time I talked to the manager who gave me a big discount. Now today (May 17) I go there AND IT IS STILL $6.99!!! This time the young lady was very rude and said (paraphrasing) "I don't know sir. It's just $8.39, in a very put out time of voice.
So double check that you are only charged what the menu shows!!!!!