| - The Big Egg is a greasy-spoon diner, through and through. And you know what? I like it that way.
I don't know why I haven't taken advantage of this warm, homey comfort-zone for a big, afternoon breakfast more often. I mean, I live right up the street. Probably because there are so many other options that sort of over-shine Big Egg. But, if you're looking for a good, stick-to-your-bones meal without the pretentious snobbery of nicer brunch joints, then this is your place!
For me, the "Egg" is perfect for a hungover afternoon brunch after a long weekend of cocktailing. You can literally roll out of bed with last night's makeup on, sweat pants and sunglasses and no one would care. Now that's my kind of diner! On a Saturday or Sunday morning, you'll probably see a mixture of elderly groups, families grabbing breakfast with the little ones, and a few walk-of-shamers. It's a sight to see, I promise!
Some things that are awesome about Big Egg:
1) They serve breakfast all day, every day. *Happy dance* I love me some b-fast, but I have to admit...sometimes it takes me a while to get my butt out of the house before most menus switch to strictly lunch items. Nothing is worse than getting to your favorite brunch spot and hearing that news. You'll never hear the words "no breakfast" at the Egg, and that's enough to make this gal's day!
2) Open 24 hours on Friday and Saturday! If you like to soak up your night out with a big, breakfast or greasy-spoon meal, you're in luck! Plop your tipsy heiny down in a booth at the Egg and order yourself some grub. Although, you don't have to be drunk or hungover to enjoy this diner!
3) It has sort of become a "Cleveland Institution" over its years of operation. Most Clevelanders have had a late-night or afternoon meal at this classic joint. Yea, Big Egg has had it's troubles in the past, but it's better than ever and definitely up to standard. Just come in knowing that this is a DINER, not a high-end brunch café.
By the way, the veggie omelet with cheese is money and the rye toast is super crunchy. No soggy toast around here! Definitely ask for some hot sauce to top it all off. Mmmmm... :-D